This page will outline the quality control procedure to be carried out within each super population.

1 Remove population outliers

Here will remove individuals that are population outliers which could bias downstream analysis. We will do by performing PCA within each population, and use distance from population centroids across 10PCs.

Show code

# Make a file listing the UKB keep files
ls /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry/UKBB.Ancestry.model_pred.*.keep > /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry/UKBB.Ancestry.model_pred.keep_list

sbatch -p brc,shared --mem=20G /users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/ /users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/MyGit/GenoPred/Scripts/Population_outlier/Population_outlier.R \
  --target_plink /scratch/datasets/ukbiobank/June2017/Genotypes/ukb_binary_v2 \
  --target_fam /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/fake_fam.fam \
  --target_keep /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry/UKBB.Ancestry.model_pred.keep_list \
  --n_pcs 10 \
  --maf 0.05 \
  --geno 0.02 \
  --hwe 1e-6 \
  --memory 15000 \
  --plink /users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/ \
  --plink2 /users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/plink2 \
  --output /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/outlier_detection/UKBB.QC

1.1 Results

Show log file

## #################################################################
## # Population_outlier.R
## # For questions contact Oliver Pain (
## #################################################################
## Analysis started at 2021-01-26 17:05:20 
## Options are:
## Options are:
## $target_plink_chr
## [1] NA
## $target_plink
## [1] "/scratch/datasets/ukbiobank/June2017/Genotypes/ukb_binary_v2"
## $target_fam
## [1] "/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/fake_fam.fam"
## $maf
## [1] 0.05
## $geno
## [1] 0.02
## $hwe
## [1] 1e-06
## $n_pcs
## [1] 10
## $plink
## [1] "/users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/"
## $plink2
## [1] "/users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/plink2"
## $target_keep
## [1] "/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry/UKBB.Ancestry.model_pred.keep_list"
## $output
## [1] "/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/outlier_detection/UKBB.QC"
## $memory
## [1] 15000
## $help
## [1] FALSE
## $output_dir
## [1] "/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/outlier_detection/"
## Analysis started at 2021-01-26 17:05:20 
## Excluding long range LD...Done!
## QC qill be performed for AFR, AMR, EAS, EUR, SAS populations...
## ~~~~~~   AFR     ~~~~~~
## Done!
## Plotting target sample PCs...Done!
## Defining number of centroids...
## 9 centroids was found to fit best.
## 8003 out of 9127 remain.
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ~~~~~~   AMR     ~~~~~~
## Done!
## Plotting target sample PCs...Done!
## Defining number of centroids...
## 2 centroids was found to fit best.
## 1980 out of 2033 remain.
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ~~~~~~   EAS     ~~~~~~
## Done!
## Plotting target sample PCs...Done!
## Defining number of centroids...
## 2 centroids was found to fit best.
## 2540 out of 2654 remain.
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ~~~~~~   EUR     ~~~~~~
## Done!
## Plotting target sample PCs...Done!
## Defining number of centroids...
## 2 centroids was found to fit best.
## 450393 out of 463275 remain.
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ~~~~~~   SAS     ~~~~~~
## Done!
## Plotting target sample PCs...Done!
## Defining number of centroids...
## 2 centroids was found to fit best.
## 9852 out of 10569 remain.
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## Analysis finished at 2021-01-26 23:16:26 
## Analysis duration was 6.18 hours

1.1.1 AFR

Show PCs before outlier removal

UKB AFR PCs before outlier removal

UKB AFR PCs before outlier removal

Show PCs after removal

UKB AFR PCs after outlier removal

UKB AFR PCs after outlier removal

Show centroid distance before (left) and after (right) outlier removal

1.1.2 AMR

Show PCs before outlier removal

UKB AMR PCs before outlier removal

UKB AMR PCs before outlier removal

Show PCs after removal

UKB AMR PCs after outlier removal

UKB AMR PCs after outlier removal

Show centroid distance before (left) and after (right) outlier removal

1.1.3 EAS

Show PCs before outlier removal

UKB EAS PCs before outlier removal

UKB EAS PCs before outlier removal

Show PCs after removal

UKB EAS PCs after outlier removal

UKB EAS PCs after outlier removal

Show centroid distance before (left) and after (right) outlier removal

1.1.4 EUR

Show PCs before outlier removal

UKB EUR PCs before outlier removal

UKB EUR PCs before outlier removal

Show PCs after removal

UKB EUR PCs after outlier removal

UKB EUR PCs after outlier removal

Show centroid distance before (left) and after (right) outlier removal

1.1.5 SAS

Show PCs before outlier removal

UKB SAS PCs before outlier removal

UKB SAS PCs before outlier removal

Show PCs after removal

UKB SAS PCs after outlier removal

UKB SAS PCs after outlier removal

Show centroid distance before (left) and after (right) outlier removal

The figures show that extreme outliers have been removed, without truncating the normal distribution. A centroid distance threshold of Q3 + IQR*30 has been used, which seems lenient but looking at the PC distributions indicates this threshold works well. When using more stringent thresholds, the PC normal distribution was truncated. By using the lenient centroid distance threshold, there is a large tail on the distance distribution but I donโ€™t think this is problematic, as multiple centroids (clusters) exist within each population, meaning not everyone will be close to every centroid, and using a stringent distance threshold would remove a large number of individuals. I think to validate the QC, we should run standard GWAS with PCs regressed, and check the LD-score regression intercept.

3 Remove individuals and SNPs based on other QC metrics

SNP-level QC should done within population as the extent of missingness varies substantially across populations. This probably reflects the bias to capturing variation in European populations.

3.1 First estimate individual level missingness

Show code

mkdir /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC

# Remove variants with a liberal level of missingness. 
for pop in EUR AFR SAS EAS AMR;do
sbatch -p brc,shared --mem=4G /users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/ \
  --bfile /scratch/datasets/ukbiobank/June2017/Genotypes/ukb_binary_v2 \
  --fam /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/fake_fam.fam \
  --keep /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/outlier_detection/UKBB.QC.${pop}.keep \
  --geno 0.05 \
  --write-snplist \
  --out /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/UKB.QC.${pop}.GENO_05

# Estimate individual missingness
for pop in EUR AFR SAS EAS AMR;do
sbatch -p brc,shared --mem=4G /users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/ \
  --bfile /scratch/datasets/ukbiobank/June2017/Genotypes/ukb_binary_v2 \
  --fam /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/fake_fam.fam \
  --keep /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/outlier_detection/UKBB.QC.${pop}.keep \
  --extract /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/UKB.QC.${pop}.GENO_05.snplist \
  --missing \
  --out /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/UKB.QC.${pop}

3.2 Now create a list of individuals surviving all QC parameters

Show code


# Read in the sqc file

# Read in sqc file header
sqc_file_header<-fread('/scratch/datasets/ukbiobank/June2017/Imputed/ukb_sqc_v2_fields.txt', sep='&', header=F)$V1
sqc_file_header_cols<-gsub(' .*','',sqc_file_header)
for(i in 1:length(sqc_file_header_cols)){
  print(paste0(sqc_file_header_cols[i],'  '))
  sqc_file_header<-gsub(paste0('^',sqc_file_header_cols[i],'  '),'',sqc_file_header)
sqc_file_header<-gsub('^   ','',sqc_file_header)
sqc_file_header<-gsub('^  ','',sqc_file_header)
sqc_file_header<-gsub('^ ','',sqc_file_header)
sqc_file_header<-sub(' .*','',sqc_file_header)

# Identify rows with concordant sex 
# Columns 8 and 9
sex_check<-which(sqc_file$V10 == sqc_file$V11)
males<-sex_check[(sex_check %in% which(sqc_file$V10 == 'M'))]

# Identify rows that are not UKB recommended exlusions
# het.missing.outliers
het.missin.outlier<-which(sqc_file$V19 == 0)

# List those that survive both QC steps
qc<-sex_check[(sex_check %in% het.missin.outlier)]

# Identify individuals with <0.02 missingness

for(pop in c('EUR','AFR','SAS','EAS','AMR')){
  miss_keep<-imiss$FID[imiss$F_MISS < 0.02]
  n_removed<-rbind(n_removed, data.frame(Pop=pop,

# The number removed from each population look reasonable.

# List those that survive both QC steps
qc<-qc[(qc %in% miss_keep_all)]

# Create file indicating rows that survive QC

# Make directory for the output

for(pop in c('EUR','AFR','SAS','EAS','AMR')){
  # Read in file listing that are not outliers
  # Remove those that fail sex check and are het.missing outliers
  keep_qc<-keep[(keep$V1 %in% qc),]
  write.table(keep_qc, paste0('/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/UKB.postQC.',pop,'.keep'), col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)
  # Output files for males and females seperately
  keep_qc_males<-keep_qc[(keep_qc$V1 %in% males),]
  keep_qc_females<-keep_qc[!(keep_qc$V1 %in% males),]
  write.table(keep_qc_males, paste0('/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/UKB.postQC.',pop,'.males.keep'), col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)
  write.table(keep_qc_females, paste0('/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/UKB.postQC.',pop,'.females.keep'), col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)

  qc_table<-rbind(qc_table, data.frame(Population=pop,


write.csv(qc_table, paste0('/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/UKB.postQC.NIndiv_table.csv'), col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)
N per population before and after QC
Population PreQC PostQC PostQC_Males PostQC_Females
EUR 450393 445255 203737 241518
AFR 8003 7924 3243 4681
SAS 9852 9688 5135 4553
EAS 2540 2502 826 1676
AMR 1980 1904 993 911

3.2.1 Create snplist of genotyped SNPs surviving QC for population

Show code

# QC autosomes within populations
for pop in EUR AFR SAS EAS AMR;do
sbatch -p brc,shared --mem=4G /users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/ \
  --bfile /scratch/datasets/ukbiobank/June2017/Genotypes/ukb_binary_v2 \
  --fam /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/fake_fam.fam \
  --keep /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/UKB.postQC.${pop}.keep \
  --maf 0.01 \
  --geno 0.02 \
  --chr 1-22 \
  --hwe 1e-8 \
  --write-snplist \
  --out /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/UKB.postQC.${pop}.Autosome.MAF_01.GENO_02.HWE_1e-8
# Create table showing the number of genotyped SNPs in each population after SNP QC


for(pop in c('EUR','AFR','SAS','EAS','AMR')){
  after_qc<-fread(paste0('/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/UKB.postQC.',pop,'.Autosome.MAF_01.GENO_02.HWE_1e-8.snplist'), header=F)

  qc_table<-rbind(qc_table, data.frame(Population=pop,


write.csv(qc_table, paste0('/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/UKB.postQC.NSNP_table.csv'), col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)
N genotyped SNPs per population before and after QC
Population PreQC PostQC
EUR 805426 542705
AFR 805426 386774
SAS 805426 495507
EAS 805426 341397
AMR 805426 549764

3.2.2 Remove temporary files

Show code

rm /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/UKB.QC.*

4 Create SNP-stat for imputed variants in each population

This will only be implmented when someone actually wants the data.

Show code

mkdir /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/pop_snp_stat

for pop in $(echo EUR AFR SAS EAS AMR); do
mkdir /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/pop_snp_stat/${pop}
for chr in $(seq 1 22); do
sbatch -p brc,shared --mem 10G /users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/ \
  -g /scratch/datasets/ukbiobank/June2017/Imputed/ukb_imp_chr${chr}_v3_MAF1_INFO4.bgen \
  -s /scratch/datasets/ukbiobank/June2017/Imputed/FakeSample.sample \
  -incl-samples /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/UKB.postQC.${pop}.keep \
  -snp-stats \
  -osnp /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/PostQC/pop_snp_stat/${pop}/UKB.postQC.${pop}.chr${chr}.txt

5 List files created

  • UKB.postQC.${pop}.keep: UKB individuals by original row index surviving QC within each population.
  • UKB.postQC.${pop}.Autosome.MAF_01.GENO_02.HWE_1e-8.snplist: List of autosomal genotyped variants surviving QC within each population
  • UKB.postQC.${pop}.females.keep: Females in UKB individuals by original row index surviving QC within each
  • UKB.postQC.${pop}.males.keep: Males in UKB individuals by original row index surviving QC within each