This page shows how individuals in UKB are assigned to the five 1KG Phase 3 super populations. The main analysis is performed using the ancesty_identfier.R script.

1 Format reference super population data

Show code

# Create an output file
system('mkdir -p /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry')

# Create a list of super population keep files
write.table(keep_list, '/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry/ref_super_pop_keep_list.txt', col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)

# Format .psam reference file for ancestry identifier
write.table(psam, '/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry/ref_pop_dat.txt', col.names = T, row.names = F, quote = F)

2 Create a fake fam file

Show code


# Check number of individuals in genetic data

# Create a fam file with row number based IDs
fake_fam<-data.table(matrix(nrow = dim(real_fam)[1], ncol = 1))

fwrite(fake_fam, '/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/fake_fam.fam', col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F, sep=' ')

3 Defining ancestry

Assign to populations

sbatch -p brc,shared --mem=15G /users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/ /users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/MyGit/GenoPred/Scripts/Ancestry_identifier/Ancestry_identifier.R \
  --target_plink /scratch/datasets/ukbiobank/June2017/Genotypes/ukb_binary_v2 \
  --ref_plink_chr /scratch/groups/biomarkers-brc-mh/Reference_data/1KG_Phase3/PLINK/all_phase3.chr \
  --target_fam /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/fake_fam.fam \
  --n_pcs 6 \
  --maf 0.05 \
  --geno 0.02 \
  --hwe 1e-6 \
  --memory 15000 \
  --plink /users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/ \
  --plink2 /users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/plink2 \
  --output /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry/UKBB.Ancestry \
  --ref_pop_scale /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry/ref_super_pop_keep_list.txt \
  --pop_data /scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry/ref_pop_dat.txt \
  --prob_thresh 0.5

3.1 Describe results

The predictive utility, as estimated using 5-fold CV in the 1KG Phase 3 sample, is summarised in the file called UKBB.Ancestry.pop_model_prediction_details.txt.

Show files contents

## glmnet 
## 2504 samples
##    6 predictor
##    5 classes: 'AFR', 'AMR', 'EAS', 'EUR', 'SAS' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (5 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 2003, 2002, 2003, 2003, 2005 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   alpha  lambda        logLoss     AUC        prAUC      Accuracy   Kappa    
##   0.10   0.0007804186  0.02268761  0.9999013  0.9890034  0.9948096  0.9934457
##   0.10   0.0078041855  0.06796617  0.9995560  0.9881168  0.9920167  0.9899164
##   0.10   0.0780418555  0.28459560  0.9995973  0.9877190  0.9820367  0.9772926
##   0.55   0.0007804186  0.02047993  0.9998982  0.9890189  0.9952104  0.9939517
##   0.55   0.0078041855  0.06413937  0.9995518  0.9881142  0.9920167  0.9899164
##   0.55   0.0780418555  0.32782661  0.9996558  0.9877274  0.9676606  0.9590715
##   1.00   0.0007804186  0.01508929  0.9999457  0.9893087  0.9964072  0.9954632
##   1.00   0.0078041855  0.05384136  0.9996831  0.9885685  0.9928135  0.9909239
##   1.00   0.0780418555  0.36186034  0.9993721  0.9869401  0.9544781  0.9423275
##   Mean_F1    Mean_Sensitivity  Mean_Specificity  Mean_Pos_Pred_Value
##   0.9939270  0.9933352         0.9986971         0.9946299          
##   0.9904634  0.9893269         0.9979981         0.9920118          
##   0.9778507  0.9749418         0.9955008         0.9829529          
##   0.9944160  0.9939149         0.9987976         0.9950304          
##   0.9904634  0.9893269         0.9979981         0.9920118          
##   0.9589684  0.9541634         0.9918943         0.9712239          
##   0.9958388  0.9953691         0.9990899         0.9963778          
##   0.9914607  0.9904698         0.9981976         0.9927176          
##   0.9407505  0.9351406         0.9885769         0.9613764          
##   Mean_Neg_Pred_Value  Mean_Precision  Mean_Recall  Mean_Detection_Rate
##   0.9987520            0.9946299       0.9933352    0.1989619          
##   0.9981140            0.9920118       0.9893269    0.1984033          
##   0.9958604            0.9829529       0.9749418    0.1964073          
##   0.9988450            0.9950304       0.9939149    0.1990421          
##   0.9981140            0.9920118       0.9893269    0.1984033          
##   0.9926990            0.9712239       0.9541634    0.1935321          
##   0.9991369            0.9963778       0.9953691    0.1992814          
##   0.9982941            0.9927176       0.9904698    0.1985627          
##   0.9898817            0.9613764       0.9351406    0.1908956          
##   Mean_Balanced_Accuracy
##   0.9960161             
##   0.9936625             
##   0.9852213             
##   0.9963563             
##   0.9936625             
##   0.9730288             
##   0.9972295             
##   0.9943337             
##   0.9618587             
## logLoss was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
## The final values used for the model were alpha = 1 and lambda = 0.0007804186.
## Confusion matrix without threshold:
##         pred AFR pred AMR pred EAS pred EUR pred SAS
## obs AFR      659        2        0        0        0
## obs AMR        3      340        0        4        0
## obs EAS        0        0      504        0        0
## obs EUR        0        0        0      503        0
## obs SAS        0        0        0        0      489
## Confusion matrix with 0.5 threshold:
##         pred AFR pred AMR pred EAS pred EUR pred SAS
## obs AFR      659        2        0        0        0
## obs AMR        3      340        0        4        0
## obs EAS        0        0      504        0        0
## obs EUR        0        0        0      503        0
## obs SAS        0        0        0        0      489

The accuracy of the mode in 1KG is very high, and the confusion matrix shows there were only a few incorrectly assigned individuals.

The script also create a plot showing the PCs of target sample participants compared to the reference populations.

Show plot

UKB PCs compared to 1KG populations

UKB PCs compared to 1KG populations

Show log file

## #################################################################
## # Ancestry_identifier.R
## # For questions contact Oliver Pain (
## #################################################################
## Analysis started at 2021-01-26 14:15:20 
## Options are:
## Options are:
## $target_plink_chr
## [1] NA
## $target_plink
## [1] "/scratch/datasets/ukbiobank/June2017/Genotypes/ukb_binary_v2"
## $ref_plink_chr
## [1] "/scratch/groups/biomarkers-brc-mh/Reference_data/1KG_Phase3/PLINK/all_phase3.chr"
## $target_fam
## [1] "/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/fake_fam.fam"
## $maf
## [1] 0.05
## $geno
## [1] 0.02
## $hwe
## [1] 1e-06
## $n_pcs
## [1] 6
## $plink
## [1] "/users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/"
## $plink2
## [1] "/users/k1806347/brc_scratch/Software/plink2"
## $output
## [1] "/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry/UKBB.Ancestry"
## $ref_pop_scale
## [1] "/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry/ref_super_pop_keep_list.txt"
## $pop_data
## [1] "/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry/ref_pop_dat.txt"
## $model_method
## [1] "glmnet"
## $SD_rule
## [1] FALSE
## $prob_thresh
## [1] 0.5
## $memory
## [1] 15000
## $help
## [1] FALSE
## $output_dir
## [1] "/scratch/groups/ukbiobank/usr/ollie_pain/ReQC/defining_ancestry/"
## Analysis started at 2021-01-26 14:15:20 
## Merging per chromosome reference data...Done!
## Identifying LD independent SNPs based on reference data...Done!
## Computing reference PCs...Done!
## Deriving model predicting ref_pop groups...Done!
## Calculating PCs in the target sample...Done!
## Plotting target sample PCs on reference...Done!
## Estimating probability of each population...Done!
## ----------
## N per group based on model:
##   Group      N
## 1   AFR   9127
## 2   AMR   2033
## 3   EAS   2654
## 4   EUR 463275
## 5   SAS  10569
## ----------
## ----------
## N per group based on 3SD rule:
##   Group      N
## 1   AFR   7698
## 2   AMR 467268
## 3   EAS   1895
## 4   EUR 456861
## 5   SAS   8467
## ----------
## Analysis finished at 2021-01-26 15:18:46 
## Analysis duration was 1.06 hours

The log file shows the number of individuals within each super population based on the elastic net mode and the 3 standard deviation rule. You can see that the elastic net results vary most for the AMR super population due to the large degree of admixture in this super population leading to a high SD.

3.2 Show distribution of probabilities

Show code and figures



## Warning in[, -1:-2]): id.vars and measure.vars are
## internally guessed when both are 'NULL'. All non-numeric/integer/logical type
## columns are considered id.vars, which in this case are columns []. Consider
## providing at least one of 'id' or 'measure' vars in future.
# Basic density
ggplot(probs_melt, aes(x=value, fill=variable)) + 
  geom_density(bw=0.01, alpha=0.5) +

ggplot(probs_melt[probs_melt$value < 0.01,], aes(x=value, fill=variable)) + 
  geom_density(bw=0.001, alpha=0.5) +

ggplot(probs_melt[probs_melt$value < 0.01,], aes(x=value, fill=variable)) + 
  geom_density(bw=0.001, alpha=0.5) +
  geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),binwidth=0.001, alpha=0.5) +

ggplot(probs_melt[probs_melt$value > 0.95,], aes(x=value, fill=variable)) + 
  geom_density(bw=0.001, alpha=0.5) +

ggplot(probs_melt[probs_melt$value > 0.95,], aes(x=value, fill=variable)) + 
  geom_density(bw=0.001, alpha=0.5) +
  geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),binwidth=0.001, alpha=0.5) +

ggplot(probs_melt[probs_melt$value > 0.4 & probs_melt$value < 0.6,], aes(x=value, fill=variable)) + 
  geom_density(bw=0.005, alpha=0.5) +

ggplot(probs_melt[probs_melt$value > 0.3 & probs_melt$value < 0.7,], aes(x=value, fill=variable)) + 
  geom_density(bw=0.01, alpha=0.5) +
  geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),binwidth=0.05, alpha=0.5) +

These plots show that the vast majority of individuals have a very high probability for one super population. The distribution of probabilities is less skewed (i.e. less certain) for the AMR super population, as we would predict due to a large degree of ad mixture. These results suggest that the probability threshold could be far more stringent without removing many individuals.

Show how many individuals would be present in each super population as the probability threshold changes.

Show code and results



probs$max_prob<-apply(probs[,-1:-2], 1, max)

for(i in c(0,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.85,0.9,0.95)){
  probs_tmp<-probs[probs$max_prob > i,c('AFR','AMR','EAS','EUR','SAS')]
  for(j in c('AFR','AMR','EAS','EUR','SAS')){
    N_groups$tmp[N_groups$pop == j]<-sum(tmp == j)
  names(N_groups)[names(N_groups) == 'tmp']<-paste0('N_',i)

##   pop    N_0  N_0.5  N_0.6  N_0.7  N_0.8 N_0.85  N_0.9 N_0.95
## 1 AFR   9287   9127   8946   8763   8437   8293   8221   8021
## 2 AMR   2214   2033   1563   1078    754    699    656    593
## 3 EAS   2675   2654   2624   2602   2576   2565   2549   2519
## 4 EUR 463495 463275 462882 462408 461753 461092 459670 456416
## 5 SAS  10706  10569  10378  10157   9920   9768   9573   9329

This shows that using a more stringent probability theshold does not substantially reduce the number of individuals in each super population.